A Skin Care Guide to Controlling Shiny Skin
We all want shiny hair and nails, but not shiny skin. Shiny, greasy skin is actually easy to control with the right products, ingredients, and skin care regimen.
Why is My Skin So Shiny?
If you find that your forehead is shiny by lunchtime, you can blame your overactive sebaceous glands. They produce the sebum —or oil— that makes your skin look shiny. Shine is worse across your T-zone (your forehead, nose and chin) because your sebaceous glands are more concentrated in this area.
How to Minimize Shiny Skin
● Cleanse
Cleanse twice a day — morning and evening. Resist the temptation to wash every time you see shine because it can backfire and trigger pores to produce even more oil.
● Tone
For extra shine insurance, follow with a sweep of a toner that contains witch hazel. This helps remove excess oil, along with dirt and make up, without stripping your skin of essential moisture.
● Protect & Moisturize
Don’t be afraid to moisturize. It helps replace moisture lost during cleansing. Apply an oil-free moisturizer with a broad spectrum SPF to keep skin hydrated and protected from the sun.
The really good news is that women with shiny skin tend to age more slowly. The shine may bother you now but you will be grateful for it in the future.